The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College aims to produce first-class research and educational tools and forge a strong link between the academic community and decision makers in the public and private sectors around an issue of critical importance to the nation’s future.
The center invites applications for the Sandell Grant Program for scholars in the field of retirement or disability research and policy. The program is funded by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) to provide opportunities for junior or non-tenured scholars (within seven years of receiving their PhD) from all academic disciplines to pursue cutting-edge projects on retirement or disability issues. Individuals from historically underserved or underrepresented communities are encouraged to apply. The center welcomes applications from all academic disciplines.
Applicants must demonstrate that their proposal focuses on at least one of SSA’s research focal areas, which include: understanding service needs and improving service delivery; studying causes and inequities of overpayment and underpayment; addressing barriers to disability and SSI programs participation and processes; understanding and improving communication; identifying disparities by race, ethnicity, and sex; examining economic security of program applicants and beneficiaries; and addressing employment barriers for people with disabilities.
Two grants of $50,000 will be awarded. Successful applicants are required to complete the research project outlined in their proposal within a year of the award.
To be eligible, the principal investigator (PI) and co-principal investigator (co-PI), if applicable, are required to have a PhD or comparable professional certification. Grants are not intended to fund dissertation research.