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American Council of Learned Societies: Fellowships in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences

Grant Amount: $60,000
Deadline: September 25, 2024
Category: Humanities, Social Science,
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ACLS invites research proposals from scholars in all disciplines of the humanities and interpretive social sciences. ACLS welcomes applications from scholars pursuing research on topics grounded in any time period, world region, or humanistic methodology. ACLS aims to select fellows who are broadly representative of the variety of humanistic scholarship across all fields of study. In ACLS’s peer review, funding packages, and engagement with fellows, the foundation also aspires to enact values of equity and inclusion.

The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant, which can take the form of a monograph, articles, publicly engaged humanities project, digital research project, critical edition, or other scholarly resources. The fellowships support projects at any stage of development – beginning, middle, or end. This program does not fund works of fiction (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation (without significant scholarly interpretation and apparatus), or projects that are primarily pedagogical in focus.

The fellowship stipend is set at $60,000 for a 12-month fellowship. Awards of shorter duration will be prorated at $5,000 per month, with the minimum award set at $30,000. ACLS provides award supplements of between $3,000-$6,000 for independent scholars, adjunct faculty, and faculty with teaching-intensive roles for costs incurred during the fellowship term, including research support, access to manuscript development workshops, learned society conference attendance, health insurance, or child- or eldercare.

Tenure of the fellowship may begin no earlier than July 1, 2025, and no later than July 1, 2026. The fellowship term must conclude no later than December 31, 2026. ACLS Fellowships are intended to help scholars devote six to twelve months to full-time research and writing. The awards are portable and are tenable at any appropriate site for research.

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