Institutions of higher education (IHEs) face a complex set of financial, technological, political, social and demographic challenges that have intensified significantly over the last decade.
Traditional focus on revenue generation has failed to address the fundamental need many institutions of higher education have to transform their educational and business models in ways that can help drive student success and social mobility, especially for students of color, students from low-income families, and other underserved populations.
The Transformational Partnerships Fund helps institutions explore partnerships in a thoughtful, timely way by offering:
- A safe, confidential space for IHEs to discuss and explore strategic partnerships;
- Information about the continuum of partnership options and support in identifying the strategies best suited to each institution’s unique circumstances;
- Referrals to appropriate experts who are well-versed in academic partnerships;
- Catalytic grants (up to $100,000 per exploration) to engage third-party technical assistance providers knowledgeable in law, finance, governance, fundraising, human resources, and other related fields;
- A visible advocate to share knowledge about the value of transformational partnerships and work in conjunction with other stakeholders interested in the success of IHEs.
TPF provides institutions with relevant resources collected from its advisors, its network, and other third parties. University and college leaders can approach TPF with the assurance that all discussions will remain confidential until an appropriate and mutually agreed time.
Each institution must determine how best to proceed; partnerships are not always the answer. Nevertheless, TPF seeks to build awareness of and advocate for the role partnerships can play as a proactive strategy to be considered by mission-driven, student-centered institutions.
Please contact Daniel Hadley if you are interested in applying to this opportunity.